by Matej Dolinay | Sep 20, 2016
In Komodo National Park we filmed a documentary film about a life of Komodo dragons and other fascinating animals from this place. The viewers can see a rare footage of hunting dragons or a unique blue pit viper. The other stars of the film are the Javan spitting...
by Matej Dolinay | Aug 20, 2016
In 2016 we travelled to Indonesia. On Bali island we filmed a short documentary film about people from Bali Reptile Rescue organization. They catch snakes from the vicinity of human properties and relocate them back to nature. During the filming we found some of the...
by Matej Dolinay | Jun 20, 2016
In 2016 Matej travelled to Cameroon where he worked as an employee of the Institute of Vertebrate Biology with his supervisor Dr. Václav Gvoždík. The goal of the expedition was to study the African amphibians. This trip was a part of a big research project funded by...
by Matej Dolinay | Jul 24, 2015
We went to Thailand in 2015 and it was a first big trip to the tropics where we were together. We decided to film our first documentary film there and we spent one month in the rain forests with our first amateur videocamera. We were looking for any wildlife, but...